Service has transformed my trading.

David Stewart (aka OptionsDave).

I cannot say enough good things about Ernie and the 0-DTE service. I have been selling option premium for well over ten years with very average results and most recently had been following TastyTrade and their mechanics. After 760 round trip trades last year following TastyTrade mechanics, I broke about even and ended with a net loss from the commissions. Their theory of employing the law of large numbers makes theoretical sense to me, but at least for me did not work well over the last couple years.

Recently, I had been researching new options strategies and watched a youtube video by Ernie a couple months ago and did a 0-DTE trial membership for a month. The strategy was easy for me to pick up due to my prior experience with options which for the most part is putting on a directional Butterfly the day of expiration. With that said, his lessons on Volume Profile and market analysis have absolutely changed how I trade and view the market. He has taught me in just a few weeks how to grow my account on my own using a no stress and high probability trading strategy.

I didn’t need to continue with the service, but liked Ernie and the Discord group so much I signed up for a year so I can continue fine tuning my personal trading style and learning from someone that clearly has far more experience than anyone I have run across in my years of studying options trading. If you have any interest in 0 DTE options trading, or selling option premium in general, get a trial membership and I truly believe you will not regret it. Best of luck with your trading!

Active trading group with winning strategies

Kerry Hill

I’ve been a member for almost two weeks and am really impressed with the 0-dte trading group! Ernie is very active within the community and hosts daily streaming morning and afternoon calls. He posts his trades daily and more importantly explains the why behind the trade and risk management. I’m looking forward to learning all I can and becoming a better trader while growing my trading account!

A Very low risk 0-DTE Strategy

Emilio Merisier

This is by far the best option strategy with exceptional mentorship service. I love this strategy because the risk is very low compares to any other strategy and the reward is very good, a wonderful risk to reward approach, this service will teach you a framework that can compound your money at an exponential level, if followed correctly, I have been here for almost a year, and I couldn’t be more grateful for being a part of this community and learning something that will teach me valuable lesson though my trading career. Using this method i personally have grown my account by 27% in less than a month. This process works.

Why I like the 0-DTE approach.

Francisco Salinas

I came to Ernie’s site looking for information on 0dte strategies. As an options trader I was looking for daily performance strategies to complement the ones I already do longer term. After trying for a single week I decided to subscribe for a full year. I really like the risk/return approach of asymmetric strategies and the low stress trading that is achieved with these strategies. The determination of strikes by volume analysis also seems to me to be something very interesting that is not easily found out there. I recommend traders who are attracted to day trading with options to go through They will like it for sure.

Stop whatever you’ve been doing to lose money in the market and pay attention!


I’ve been trading various products for years, everything from stocks to Forex with some success and plenty of losses. All the time with anxiety and frustration. I’ve also spent thousands and thousands of dollars on various systems that promise the world and deliver nonsense most of the time. Nothing I’ve ever tried has worked like 0-DTE.

I was looking for a process that would allow me to focus my attention on a single product with a proven process and success rate. Then I stumbled upon 0-DTE and Earnie last September. Up to this point I’d never even heard of Volume Profile, what is or even how to use it. For that matter, why even bother. Trading just the last day of an option’s life sounded ridiculous to me and made no sense. I’ve always been anxious about assignment and this seemed like playing with fire. As I was soon to find out it’s not just exciting it also WORKS!

I joined the service on September 22 last year and will renew again for this year because I’ve finally found something that actually works.


John Svajda

Ernie is by far the hardest working teacher of trading principles I have ever had the pleasure of learning from.

His consistent message of LOW Risk – HIGH Reward trading is a complete change in the mindset I was taught for years.

I highly recommend this service as it will change your outlook on how to make money in the stock market!

I have never had as much direct interaction with a teacher as Ernie provides. Daily (7 days a week) access through Discord, email, and phone! Pretty amazing dedication to helping me to be successful!

Give this a try and you will be thankful you did! I am!!

Great, if you’re willing to learn.


This service is designed for the person who is willing to read the educational material apply it to their trading. You need to listen to Ernie when he’s giving you suggestions. If you’re looking for alerts and someone to hold your hand through each and every aspect of the trade then this isn’t for you. In order to be successful you will have to put in the time to study all of the material Ernie has put together for us, you have to take the time to map out the trades to figure your risk and reward and determine the best position sizing for your account. But I can say with absolute certainty, based on my own personal experience, that if you do those things and listen to Ernie and the other knowledgeable members you will find success with this strategy. Joining this group has increased my knowledge, ability, and confidence in identifying trades with the highest chances to be profitable. I could’ve done that without Ernie ‘s help.

Great Service, Great Price


Unfortunately, I had to leave the service recently but hope to join back again one day. Ernie’s service is quite great; the no-BS, no-nonsense strategies was really quite refreshing, and you really learn A LOT about overall market indicators as well as how crucial things like volume profile can really be in finding overall market sentiment. The price is great as well – certainly not as high as some of the other (often lackluster) services out there! Hope to come back one day!

Worth the price x 10.

Matt K

Ernie’s approach towards trading is all about low risk high reward. This takes a lot of the pressure off trading index options. You won’t be fretting that a single bad trade will blow up your account as with other 0DTE strategies. I consider this one of the best approaches to 0DTE. Beyond rewarding trades, Ernie teaches a comprehensive strategy towards analyzing the market that you simply will not find anywhere else. He is very honest, direct, and accessible. I highly recommend this service!

Trade With An EDGE

Pete Scott

I have been with Ernie’s 0-DTE service for exactly 3 weeks, and these are my honest thoughts.

First to the method that is employed:

I am not brand new to trading, but I am brand new to options trading. I always wanted to learn how to trade options successfully but the subject confused me and so I stayed away. But I knew how lucrative it was and that the pro traders in the market were consistently making money this way. So I decided to learn.

I spent about 3 months watching and rewatching Ernie’s YouTube videos and trainings. Reason was, there was something different in what he was saying that made sense to me. Like he was really on to something. So next I spent about a month taking various options courses so I could get some of the basics down. Truth be told, it is not an easy subject to learn, but it is learnable.

Ernie’s method I think is unique in that it allows you to consistently make money and grow your account surely and steadily while turning down the risk to very acceptable levels. While most trading gurus teach you to manage risk, Ernie teaches us to manage profits, since we hardly think about risk at all.

Yes, there are losing trades. But the losers are insignificant and basically we don’t worry about nor focus on them. We win far often more than we lose, and sometimes these wins are staggering. Yesterday I had my first 2 winning trades in the /ES and SPX and made about 95% and 110% respectively. Others in the group did far better. ROI’s of 600%+ are routine in this service.

So to sum up Ernie’s method

He applies a very strict philosophy based upon a very specific and proprietary analytical method that as I said gives us an asymmetric edge, small losses and consistent wins. I think this philosophy is the way to wealth over time.

As far as the service, Ernie provides great service, answers his phone whenever you call him with questions or concerns, and quick to respond to the group on the Discord.

Here is another really important point about this service that I have noticed. While he provides trade alerts for the group, the intent of the alerts are yes, obviously to make money, but even more importantly to teach. This comes across constantly in this service which is probably the most important thing for me personally. Ernie truly want to make his students better traders.

If you really want to become a better trader or even a great trader with an EDGE, then I would highly recommend Ernie’s 0-DTE service 100%!

It opened my eyes

Adam Hyatt

I had had experience with the high risk, low reward strategies for options before, and they never worked out. Win a little and then on your losers you give back all your gains. This has opened up a new way of trading for me. It is invaluable to me, and something I’m grateful to Ernie for teaching.

No Risk High Reward

Raj S

Asymmetrical trading is one of the best and transparent trading communities I have came across in my 25 years of trading experience. Ernie is very frank and transparent about his strategy and both wins and losses are discussed and analyzed in the Discord group and retrospective weekend calls. If you’re looking for a spoon feeding alert service, then look someone else but if you are looking for a honest winning strategy then experience yourself with a trail period then decide.

Superior Product

Mike B

I am new to option trading, just now at a year. What I appreciate most about Ernie’s service is he truly seems to enjoy being a mentor. You can tell its important to him that all his students truly understand the why’s of a trade. I find this perspective very rewarding and already have been able to apply the learned concepts in my personal trades.

The fee is very reasonable, in fact, I covered the annual amount within the first two weeks. I found Ernie because I believe we are about to transition to a massive economic regime change. Thus, I believe the successful low volatility high probability trading strategies will increasingly become more difficult to successfully execute over the long term. So, I started to hunt for trading strategies that would suit high volatility economic conditions, especially conditions that generate a lot of chop and froth without a specific trend to follow. Ernie, has created a strategy that can work well within those conditions as well as strong trending conditions. His strategy requires that the trade’s reward potential exceed 5x the trade investment, before it can be considered. The high probability strategies employed today are the exact opposite, where a lot of risk is on the table to gain just a small profit.

So, three times a week we take an educated guess on the market’s direction for the day and submit a trade with a small investment. Often the trade returns our money plus 1/2 to 2x more. I have been in his service for 2 months now, and often has been more than 50% of the time. The really fun times are when the trade is close to perfect and the return jumps from 1.5x to 10x our trade investment and I have experienced a trade like that with the group. It was pretty amazing.

This asymmetric approach to trading has drastically changed how I define acceptable risk standards within my personal trading strategies. What is neat about this trading style is we don’t manage risk during the trade. We don’t have to. The risk decision, occurs at the trade’s inception. I ask myself the question, how much money will I invest on this trade, where I could possibly entirely lose it. Once in the trade, the only thing to manage is how to optimize the trade’s profit potential. My stress level is significantly different with this trading style.

Thank you Ernie, you will have a customer until you teach me to be an expert. However, I suspect that will take a while. 🙂

Minimalism that delivers!


There is a minimalism to Ernie’s approach that I find refreshingly different compared to what I have seen at some of the services out there. A single 0-DTE Butterfly strategy at the core, although with internal variants, to meet the different market conditions defined by volatility of the day. A missionary zeal to keep the risk minimal to insignificant and returns anywhere between 2-10 multiples. The losses when they do happen (and yes they will in this difficult to trade year that 2021 has been) are so small that you are not left wondering whether you should be reinvigorating your search for the next solution that delivers nirvana. And, the profits that come at a regular tick are good enough to write home about.

The analytic tool is simple – the volume profile – and has been explained very well and there are market updates before every trading session on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Also, the freedom of just trading 3 days in the week that limits the possibility of chasing bad trades while giving us the time to reflect on ways to learn then improve even further. Also, there is no leaning on the multitude of technical indicators that I personally spend a lot of time learning at the other places and do not miss as the results seem to come anyways. And, a single instrument that you trade – usually /ES (SPX sometimes). Finally, what keeps me glued to the service are also the true strengths of Ernie’s 0-DTE service: a) constant review of the process with a view to refine it and produce better results (Kaizen) and b) his availability to answer questions any time and to the point of sharing his cell phone number.

If you looking to join a community of traders led by a master of his craft without all the fluff, think no further. Don’t take my word for it..enroll in the trial membership and you will be glad you did while making money on the side.

Never Any Stop Loss Orders!

Dan Smith

Broker “Stop Loss” orders very rarely do what they are intended to do. Any system that relies on them will fail regardless of how well it did in a “paper” account. The ONLY work-a-round is to categorically avoid them. This service will teach you how. Testimonial

Mohammed Khan

I have had many subscriptions to Options Services, however there has not been any like what Ernie brings to the table. His way of teaching and answering all my questions and providing phone and one and one support is like no other service. Ernie truly wants the user to master the craft of the butterfly with minimal risk, and taking the potential of large gains by being independent to your own tolerance of gains on the upside. This is an excellent service, and is not an alert monkey type of service. He covers the strategy for the day in both directions of the market even if he feels it going sideways. I am sticking with this service knowing that my trading is improving and Ernie is not afraid to tell you what mistakes he feels you are making. I have been trading for 3 months now, and have not blown up my account , where as in previous services using high probability trades, my account blew up real quick. This is not a get rich quick service, however with a steady effort, the rewards can be substantial.