Monthly Archives: June 2021

0DTE Podcast Episode 1 Fully Annotated

0DTE Podcast

Episode #001 Full Trascript

Hey, Friends, how you doing? It’s Ernie here. And this is the 0DTE talk show. This is the first in a summer long experiment.
This is going to be the first in a series of live shows on 0DTE and other options strategies. And we’ll get into that a little bit later, going out throughout the entire summer. So every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I plan on right around this time around. Sometimes it might be one, some times it might be three depending on what the market looks, but I’ll try to be as consistent as possible and land on two o’clock if I can.
It’s not always possible, but anyways, that’s, that’s the whole deal. We’re going to talk about 0DTE, our way of implementing the strategy. We’ll also, I’m going to start off by talking about what0DTE is and what other people are doing with the strategy. All right. So let’s do that first.
Let’s let’s first of all, talk about the the option strategies that we’ll mainly focus on here and there are two, and that is the first is, and these aren’t necessarily strategies. These are situations, right? Or types of trades. There’s the 0DTE on the S&P. Either the index or the futures.
I prefer the futures. Very rarely do I trade the index, but 0DTE means the very last day of expiration. And if you know anything about the options on the S&P that it has three expiring events every week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, where most optionable assets. Our Mo either weekly or monthly.
So they expire, once a week on a Friday, or they expire once a month, usually the third Thursday of that month. But with the the S&P we have three opportunities at this three ways, three times, three opportunities to profit. And because of the relative volatility. I actually, everything is kind of measured against the beta of, of the S&P. It also means that we have a fair amount of premium available to us. And because it’s the last day of expiration, it also means that that rate of decay of that premium is at its peak. And so we get that three times a week.
That’s awesome. So that means that we have a built-in edge three times a week, premiums, decaying super fast. And if we can take advantage of that, if we can put a strategy in place, some kind of short strike, some kind of premium collection strategy going into that last day, then we have a really good opportunity to collect premium.
And you know, normally I’m not a, a day trading kind of guy. As a matter of fact, I loathe day trading. And this is in fact a day trade. Well, not, not really. It is, we can start the day before you can start five or six days before. If you want to get into this contract in general, though, we start no more than say 12 hours or 14 hours prior to the market opening.
And we may or may not take it right into the close. All depends on situations. Sometimes you have a tremendous amount of volatility it’s either rising or falling and it gives you the opportunity to do everything that you need to do before the market even opens. Or sometimes you have to take it right to the end of the day and profit.
You could like some traders using this strategy, try to do multiple strategies throughout the day and try to maximize on that. But I think that that kind of overtrading, isn’t very efficient. And so that’s the other thing that . We want to be the most efficient at making profit as possible.
We want to use the least amount of capital and have it in the market for the smallest amount of time. And with that extract, the maximum amount of profit , that is our primary goal. Right. And. So it’s, it’s with 0DTE as it is with the other strategies that I’ll be talking about, things like a naked puts.
So I will also be talking about naked puts on relatively high liquidity stocks and with a lot of premium in them or implied volatility. So we’ll also be talking about those, but those will come later. The purpose of the show really is to also demonstrate our strategy that we practice in the, in the zero days to expiration.
Trade room and the website, which is Not the other way to say it, but it’s zero dash. Make sure you put that dash in there. and we’re a discord based trade group or. Bunch of traders that get together and practice this specific methodology and the IP that I’ve developed to trade this event and traded as efficiently as possible.
Well, using the least amount of capital as possible to extract the most amount of. And we employ an overall philosophy that I like to call an asymmetric philosophy or an inversion of risk philosophy, where we put up the smallest amount of cash or credit or margin or whatever to extract the maximum amount of profit.
Right now, this is direct opposition to the way almost everybody else is doing the 0DTE. And which isn’t surprising because that’s what most people do. Most people will go for the high probability trade or the high, what is what they think is based on, I don’t know, some quantitative analysis or analytical thing or whatever, or whatever they told is the high probability trade.
So for instance, most will may start with a credit spread that is. Way out of the money, usually a very low Delta, like, you know, 5 or 6 Delta, which is usually a, a 92 to 96% probability trade. At least if you put it into your trading platform, that’s what it will tell you. And then they’ll build up perhaps two spreads, you know a call spread and a put spread and create an iron condor.
And so they’ll have this really, what they think is a very high probability trade. Usually they’ll, put it in center it right on wherever the current prices and hope to make it wide enough that it will cover the expected move for the day. All right. Now there are a number of problems with this.
One is that the amount of premium that you collect with a very high probability trade is extremely small and the amount of margin or, or capital that you have to put up in relation to that amount of premium that you collect is very large, usually on the order of, 10 to one or as much as 20 to one.
So in fact, what you’re talking about is 10 or 20 to one risk to reward. That’s the way most people are doing this, but they think that, Hey, look, we can do this a number of times and we can we can grab pennies every day. And that just keeps on adding up until, until that fateful day comes. And it’s not an anomaly that fateful day may come tomorrow.
Today, 10 days from now, it might even come 2, 3, 4 times in a row. But it is going to come and it’s going to burn you. That’s the day when you hit max loss. That’s the day when you wipe out 1, 2, 3 months of profit, that’s the day where maybe you blow up your account and it will happen. It will happen. So the remedy that a lot of these other people with 0dte
is to put a stop, put a stop on your options. Trade I’ve never heard anything. So frigging idiotic as putting a stop on an options, trade, or an options strategy, which is designed to define your risk. Why bother having an options strategy that defines your risk and then put a stop on it because you can’t control the risk.
So, this is what they’ll do. This is the typical scenario. They’ll say we’ll do three times, whatever credit that we collect that will be our stop. So in other words, if we are putting on a trade and it collects, say $20 of potential profit, then we’ll put on a stop that is that plus three times that credit.
So what essentially works out to be about an $80 loss right now. That’s not all it’s way more than that. So what they’re really saying then is it’s no longer a 95 or a 96% probability trade. What they’re really doing is creating a 60 or 65% probability trade with almost the guarantee. Because they’re usually within that standard deviation or that expected move, that they’re going to hit that loss.
They hit it a lot. So what you’re really doing then is putting on maybe a 15 or 18 Delta trade, but not expecting to receive the kind of premium you get with an 18 Delta trade, maybe something one third to one quarter of what you would receive. And on top of that, at least with an 18 or 16 Delta trade, you’re not out of the woods.
If it if it goes down, it may, it may still come back, you know, to the center of that, that strategy. But with the stop it’s game over, once you hit that stop, it’s done. You’ve lost the money. So that is the fatal flaw, but it gets worse when you have a very small amount of credit that you’re trying to collect. It doesn’t matter if you have a small amount of credit for that day or a very large amount of credit, let’s say, let’s say that you have these two different scenarios.
You have one strategy that gives you a small amount of credit. And one that has a very large amount of credit. And it’s going to be in eight hours, regardless of whether it’s small or, or large, that credit is going to dwindle down to zero. Which one do you think is going to let’s say that that total credit.
For the small one is $10 and the big one, it’s a hundred dollars. Right. And your target is to make $5. Okay. So how long do you have to stay in that small credit or high probability trade to make $5 versus that very large one that is going to come down at the same rate or, you know, come down to zero in the same timeframe.
Which one do you think is going to achieve $5 faster? This is like a no brainer. It is the one with the large amount of credit. So what that means is that when you put on a high probability trade, that you need to stay in the market for a long, long time to try to make a very, very small amount of money.
When you stay in the market for a long, long time, what does that, what does that do to you? What does that do to you? Well, for one, It violates one of our principles that I just talked about earlier saying that I want to stay in the market for as little time as possible, and the reason for that is that when you stay in the market for a long time, you’re increasing the chance, the risk that something may go against you because time isn’t always your friend, unless it’s one of those days that are very unusual where priceless doesn’t move.
If you’re in an, in the market for a long time, anything it can happen and usually does. So you’re sitting there waiting for a small amount of profit for a long time and giving the market every opportunity to knock you off that trade, as opposed to having a very large profit potential it’s decaying.
At, I guess, you know, from time zero to time eight, that that time doesn’t change. But the, that the rate of money that is actually coming into your account, because it’s a premium collection is much faster, 10 times as fast. So that means you have to spend much less time to collect the equivalent amount of profit.
And which would you rather do spend less time and collect more or spend more time and collect less?
That was a rhetorical question. It really is a no brainer. Of course you’d want to spend less time to collect more. Now, the other question is, do you want to put yourself in a situation where you’re going to. Increase your odds of stopping out and getting a guaranteed loss. That’s going to wipe out the last 3, 4, 5 days of your trading.
All right. And I haven’t even got to the worst part of this, or would you rather be in a, a strategy where your risk is so small that if it does go against you, you don’t care. Of course, everyone cares, but let’s say that it happens at about same rate as this high probability trade. And that those times where it stays in, in range we’ll make, instead of making 5% of your margin or the, or the credit that you took, it’s making 50, 75, a hundred, 150 200% of your margin .
What would, what would you rather do spend a little bit of time for the possibility of collecting a hundred percent of the risk that you take on, or 150% or even 1200%, or spend a lot of time to make only 5% of the risk.
That is the difference between what they do and what we do. . Everyone wants to know what’s the strategy or any, tell us what the strategy is. Well, the strategy, first of all, We don’t use high probability iron Condors as our strategy generally we’re using things that have a much higher degree of premium that we collect with a much lower risk.
We use those kinds of strategies. And of course, probably the one that most people know about is the butterfly. We will put on very wide butterflies that are maybe a little bit out of the money. So they have very small risk and very large potential, but they’ll say, but that’s, that’s not the way you use a butterfly Ernie, isn’t a butterfly supposed to be a, a Delta neutral trade or, or a trade that you use in a neutral market.
And I’d say, well, it is, if you’re an idiot.
See it, it doesn’t have to be that way. You can create such a large butterfly. Why that even if you’re on the outskirts of that profit tent, you can still profit five, 10 times faster than you can sitting. Right. Dang in the middle of an iron condor. So here I have a strategy in and when you’re out there and because of the width and the.
The ratio between the risk and the potential profit. I have a very low Delta and I have a very low Delta for a wide range of, of prices. You don’t have that with an iron condor. It’s a matter of fact, as soon as price goes up or down, you’re almost immediately in the red. Right. And it’s going to take a long time for that profit curve to rise because there’s such a small amount of profit.
Or profit potential that it takes a while before you start realizing that amount. Now I said before I was going to get to the other little bugaboo that. Most 0DTE traders do in order to try to increase the odds that they will, because of all, everything else that they’ve set up has basically worked against them.
They try to increase the odds that there’ll be successful instead of trying to go for 100% of the profit. They’re good. If they collect 50% and then they get out. So now instead of you know, 10 to one risk or a 20 to one risk. It’s double that because you’re collecting half as much.
That’s your target? Half as much.
It’s to me, it’s an insane way to trade. Yeah. There are a number of people out there that are touting this saying, this is the way you trade. This is how I’m making all this money. I’m making $5,000 or making a thousand dollars and $5,000 of a trading Capitol. Right? What they’re not telling you is that every trade that they make, they’re risking their entire capital.
And they’re not telling you about all the trades that they’ve lost.
They, they could put on 10 contracts. I can put on one and win more often and bring in more money than they do with 10. And feel completely comfortable, zero anxiety, should the trade go against me. Were they sweating bullets almost right from the very beginning. As soon as price moves up or down from their entry.
They’re hoping that price will the regain and come back to the center for them, if it doesn’t and they’re hoping, oh, please don’t hit that stop. A lot of these traders will get frustrated and take the stop off thinking, man, every time I take a stop off price goes right back to the center and I could have been in the trade and I couldn’t have made money.
So they take the stop off and then it goes into challenges there, their wing. Yeah. That’s when they get that max loss, it happens all the time. The other problem is that they’re mainly trading the SPX. So the only opportunity they have to profit is between 9:30 in the morning and 4:00 in the afternoon, they don’t have the benefit of 23 hours a day of trading like you do with the futures.
And they’ll tell us, well, you know, the commissions on futures are much higher. Well, they’re not, if you’re smart and you negotiate it down, you can get it close to what you’re paying on the SPX. Plus I have volume in 23 hours of trading and the ability to put the trade on anytime I want. And even sometimes make my full day of trading profit before the market even opens.
There’s simply no comparison, plus the fact that the SPX has much higher margin requirements twice. That is the E-mini S and P. So there’s more flexibility in the in the E-mini much more, I mean, just literally an order of magnitude more flexibility.
So you’re using a lesser capable asset type with a piss poor strategy to try to eek out a small profit with huge risk in these other 0DTE strategies, or you do the exact opposite with an incredibly flexible asset type. With a strategy. That’s giving you an inversion of risk with very small risk, with huge, huge profit potential and huge profit potential.
I haven’t even told you about yet. So anyways, with our strategy, we’re able to average about, . I’m going to be very conservative and say 80 to 85%. Over the past three months, it’s really been closer to 85%. Our average return on risk.
I mean, that’s basically how you have to figure, you know, your, your efficiency as a trader. How much are you putting up? What’s your risk capital and what do you make based on that amount of money that you used? Our average return is about 150%. Compare that to. These other guys, which is actually much closer to you, five or 10%.
And for some zero, if they’ve, if they’ve achieved max, the max loss, and eventually that’s where they’re going to go is to zero. And if you go out there and you start looking at people that have done studies on, on this style of trading, and there are several out there and I can provide those links for you and show you.
All of them come to the same conclusion that they can’t trade the strategy. It’s just filled with too much anxiety up and down. They can eke out a little profit, but eventually they give it all back.
We have exactly the opposite problem here. Exactly the opposite. Now you may be thinking, well, how do you know what the direction of the market is how do you know where to put the strikes of your butterfly? How do you know how wide to make that butterfly? How do you know how to optimize all of these factors Ernie? Well that’s, that’s our secret sauce.
That’s our, that’s our that’s our intellectual property. That’s our IP, right? That’s our analytical method. That’s how we know. That’s how we can do it and have a higher win rate and a return on capital that is orders of not order orders of magnitude greater than the other 0DTE. Thanks. Okay. So this is the initial talk show.
I wanted to tell you what it’s all about. So I’m going to refer back to it from now on and say, Hey, you want to know the difference between what we do and what everybody else does. Go back to show one. All right. And watch, watch that and see what it’s all about. If you want to try out the a 0DTE, the way of doing things, then you can go to
And what we’ll do is, you take four weeks and I’ll charge you a small amount of money each week, you know, to participate.
Now you can quit anytime or you can sign up at any time, but whatever amount that you spend. On that trial. If you choose to go with the service, then I will credit that amount. So essentially the, the trial will be free if you don’t. And you decide not to go with the service. That’s all good, but you know, I have to charge you because there’s, there’s a lot that goes into supporting people that are in the service.
And that’s one of the things that differentiates us here again from the others is the world-class support that you get in this service. Every person within the service gets my personal phone number, for instance, we go through intense analytical sessions all the time, really not 24 hours a day, but close to it, it would seem.
And we have a weekly reviews on Saturdays, as well as intra week strategy sessions, where we talk about the strategy. We talk about issues. As I said, you get my personal phone number, which means that everybody is entitled to a one-on-one session. For the trial members. I can’t extend a one-on-one session during the trial, because then that would be, you know, really way too much.
But you can be inside the the trade room and you can ask as many questions and be a full-fledged member.
All right. All right. So let’s talk about the market right now. The market. Is in a state of stasis. It is. Why should I put thisvola tility has dropped, fallen off a cliff. There may have been a slight uptick today, but really nothing to speak of. We’re hitting all time highs. We have a federal reserve meeting coming up in the middle of the week. Everyone’s hanging on there, the the CME and and bond traders, and everybody else has priced in the, the the chance that the Fed will raise rates. They have a 95% probability that they’ll raise it to 25 basis points somewhere between zero and 25 basis points, which essentially means that they’re probably not going to raise it, but no one really knows because we have this looming inflation problem that’s happening. Of course, the, the fed and the media.
And all the talking heads on the financial networks, they all seem to be colluding with one another. To try to convince everybody that this inflation is transient. That somehow what you see is not really there. Housing prices. Aren’t going up by 30% lumber and building materials. Aren’t going up by 600% energy costs aren’t going up by a 100%, commodities. Aren’t raising by 30, 40%. The CPI didn’t go up by six. Oh, wait a minute. All of that is true, but it’s transient.
So I think the market is extremely. Tenuous. They’re really waiting to hear what the fed has to say. They want the fed to comfort them, or should I say mainline them inject some more of that Fed heroin into their veins so that they can feel comfortable that interest rates aren’t going to rise, that there will be more liquidity coming into the market and that the banksters will be happy and everybody will be happy.
So that’s what we’re all waiting for. So because of that, it was very difficult , to come up with a price level that we could really hang our hat on. So we put on a super high probability, I’m sorry, a super high reward to risk, very, very small risk type trade just above the current price.
And my belief is that we’ll probably because it’s Monday. Fed meetings start tomorrow. They announced what their intent is on Wednesday. That I believe that the market is going to continue keeping it and just sort of pegging the needle, keep the, you know, the pressure on, because they have nothing else to go on.
There were no economic reports this morning, so there was no catalyst. Now tomorrow we do have a number of economic reports. that are going to be released that do have the potential, even before the Fed announces their disposition that could in fact affect. Pricing in the market.
So we have the PPI final. We have retail sales empire state manufacturing, the red book, industrial production business inventories, the housing market index. All of those hugely could be huge, truly impactful. And of course we have the 20 year bond auction at one o’clock. So every single one today. We had the three month and the six month bill bill auction, which is, you know, generally not anything that will, you know, move markets the 20 year on the other hand that can move markets, the PPI and retail.
Those all go towards inflation, empire, state manufacturing, and other impactful industrial production huge. All of these things are going to come out before the market opens tomorrow morning, and we’ll be looking at that very, very closely. And that will give What are the chances that whatever these reports are that they will influence the Fed decision that the fed will tell you that there’s no chance in hell they’ve already made their decision and everything else is just sort of window dressing.
And we’re going to come up with what we’re going to come up. We’re going to be accommodative and, you know, Jerome Powell was saying that, you know, they’re, they’re now, you know, looking towards climate change as their ultimate thing solve. Now, now that they’ve solved the inflation problem, which they haven’t solved and the employment problem, which they haven’t solved.
That’s where we’re at. That is where we’re at. Oh, well we have some we have some comments here. When you say stay in the market a long time, then anything can happen. That’s exactly right. There’s just too much risk. You open yourself up to having something go wrong. It’s exactly what I was saying. Zero Gravity is saying Ernie doesn’t pull any punches? That’s true, unfortunately, for some people.
So how much capital do you need to get started? In the four week trial, I think that you can, you know, for most brokers to trade the futures, you need $2,000 in your account. So you could definitely trade with $2,000, but you should have a little bit more in case, you know, that first trade might you know, set you back a little bit.
You know, I mean, if you got $2,000 and this what you require and you lose a hundred bucks, then now you can’t trade the future. So if you started with $2,500, you’d be more than, more than good. What about for people that have never traded futures? Is there an intro course to teach the basics of options trading?
Well first of all, I don’t have any course on teaching you how to trade options. I’m going to assume that you understand the basics of options. And if you don’t, then I’m going to point you to some great resources that are free. Like TastyTrade, go to the TastyTrade website, learn about options trading.
When it comes to future futures, options or options on futures, there is materially. No difference in, in the way we trade options with that, as opposed to trading it against stocks or anything else. It’s exactly the same. The only difference is the underlying is something else. Understand, there is a little bit more that you need to understand, but I’m understanding futures or at least what we need to understand in order to implement or execute our trades is minimal.
And so when you come in here, regardless of that fact, I will provide you with whatever update you need or point you to the right resources that you need in order to get up to speed. But really the, the most impactful thing is. And the thing that’s going to take some time and really what is the secret sauce of this strategy is understanding our analytical method.
Once you see our analytical method, which is a good deal, different, you know, when you’re talking about futures, because now you’re talking about global macro type of issues understanding all these economic reports throughout their understanding, the monetary condition, understanding the geopolitical risks that are out there, all of this stuff.
Feeds into your, I guess, the bias that you will have in terms of market direction or the catalyst that might push the market from one level to another. There are other analytical methods that we work that are specific, you know, to the strategy. And if you’ve been following my my YouTube for any length of time, Then, you know, what interests me, you know, that I’m a big proponent of using volume profile and using statistical methodology.
Right? So you’ll know that, that our strategy is deeply seated using volume profile as our analytical tool. Of course, there’s a lot more to it. Like I said, you need to understand the global macro condition. Once, once we are able to determine the market structure through volume profile, the catalysts, the, the basic movers of this market, that’s where we decide where our strategies are from that.
We also look like, look at implied volatility, the expected move and other things to determine the width of our. Our strikes and the placement of those two short strikes on that butterfly, of course, you know, the butterfly, isn’t the only way to trade it, but it is perhaps the most effective way, whether it is a symmetrical one or broken wing we can adjust the risk in dramatic ways.
As a matter of fact, we can create it so that you have virtually no risk when you take on the trade or we can create it. You have a very little bit of risk when you get into the trade and all of that, we’ll go to, you know, what is our perception of where the market is and what we think the expected move will be.
And we kind of tailor it to and model it to what we believe the market’s going to give us that day. So that, that is, those are the types of things that you’re going to learn in our service to be able to place those. So you’re going to get the most efficient use of your capital. All right. Those are the questions. Great. Thank you very much for that. There’s more, there were more,
is it possible to earn 300 to $350 per day? Well, of course it is. It’s very possible, you know? Okay. That is one way to do your metrics, right? How much you make per day or portrayed, or, or, or whatever. But in my, in my view, what it really should be, sorry about that in my view, what it really should be is you know, how efficiently are you using your capital?
Because the, the, the primary thing that you’re going to find when you take on a strategy like this, There’s going to be a period of learning. And that period of learning might be a couple of weeks, a month, maybe even two or three months for some people. But that period of learning, you’re going to start developing that analytical capability as well as your execution skills.
Right. And it takes time and you’re, and from that you’re. Your efficiency, your, your ability to use small amounts of money to make large amounts of return are going to improve. That ratio is going to improve. So to, you know, to come up here and say, you know, what is your, you know, how much do you make per day is, is a nonsensical question that might be your goal.
Going forward, you know what, you know, you start off making maybe a hundred dollars a day and maybe you can build it up to making a thousand dollars a day. I don’t know the amount that you can make per day is that you can make whatever you all right. It all depends on, on your ability, the amount of skill, your execution of that skill and your ability to analyze the markets and, and follow along with what we’re doing and then the size of your account and your personal tolerance and capacity for risk.
All right. So while all those come into play, so it’s almost impossible to give you a dollar amount, but can you make $300 a day? Of course you can. You can make $300,000 a day. If you have the right risk parameters and the size of an account. No problem. The market would support someone trading that large.
I mean, we’re not talking about, you know, an over the counter stock or penny stock. We’re talking about the S&P. It’s really whatever you want to get out of it. All I can do is show you our methodology, our strategy that will give you the opportunity to do that. All right.
I have a basic understanding, but currently a trade crypto. But since US-based crypto exchanges are requiring you to have 10 million in discretionary assets in order to allow you to trade what I haven’t heard that. Then I’m looking for options to trade. No pun intended. So options seem like a viable option.
Options are the way to go. There. There is. And there’s just this thing here, regardless of what the underlying is, you can select what amount of risk and you can model your your view of the market, however you want, it gives you virtually unlimited capability to model the market. However you want and define the risk as well as define the profit that you want to make.
Now, how you actually do that is, or your ability to do that is completely up to you and the time that you want to spend to put into it. But I’ll tell you, by coming to this service, I guarantee you. That I will do whatever I can to make sure that you’re a profitable trader and you won’t be beholding to me.
In other words, you won’t be dependent upon me. You know, the way I’ve designed the. You know, the cost of the service is that, you know, I fully expect people to, within a few months be completely on their own. If they want to, they can go off on their own to just do it on their, on their own. I hope that they stay with me because we have a really great environment here and I’m always developing new ideas and you know, Finding ways to improve the strategy.
But you know, I fully expect that somebody after about three months will know everything that they need to know and can be proficient in trading this and, and if they wanted to make a career out of it, I really believe that I truly believe that. So I guess use that as your, as your standard.
Okay. That’s it again? Thank you very much. We’ll see you on Wednesday where we’ll pick this up. Wednesday is going to be a very impactful day. As I said, that’s Fed day. The federal reserve will tell us our destiny and we should have a pretty good trade on then again, our, our current trade is at is centered on about 4240.
And so we’re expecting the the market to probably end up there today. It’s my best guess. And we have such small amount of risk on that. If it doesn’t, it’s almost like a throwaway trade.
As a matter of fact, our our risk to reward on this is about one to seven. So one part risk to seven parts, potential reward. And we’ll see, we’ll see what happens. We’ll report on that on Wednesday. We’ll tell you what happened and on Wednesday after. We may not take a trade until after the Fed speaks, or we might even take a trade overnight and then take it off before the Fed, ever even comes to the market or the the market reports are out and then we’ll probably make some money before the fed even does something.
And then after the Fed does something, then we’ll have a better idea and see how the market receives their message. You know, because you know, of course all of the talking heads are going to have to parse every single word of the fed minutes to see if there’s any change at all. And in the language, the linguistics, they’re going to analyze every single character in punctuation mark.
So that we’ll know where this market is going. It’s just the way it is. It’s crazy. All right. Thank you very much. We’ll see you next